Sunday, July 4, 2010

Miss Ro Mother Theresa of Cap Haitien

I want to dedicate this post to a very special person without whom our stay in Haiti would not have been possible: you guessed right it is Robyn. I have been here just over 10 days and have observed her in action and I also know that she operates invisibly in the background to make things happen miraculously. She has an endless circle of friends here in Cap Haitien but also across Haiti and having the right contacts here is so important. She speaks the local Creole language which immediately opens doors and hearts.

We were in Port au Prince last weekend having lunch when a person approached her remembering her from so many years ago. Then we had the routine which kicks in when Robyn meets old friends: big hug, kissess, excitment, jumping up and down, followed by a long chat. You walk around Cap Haitien with Robyn and she knows so many people that you have to stop every couple of 100 meters for a chat.It is wonderful to see how she relates to the Haitiens.

She is an amazing person who has spent her whole life serving others and in the process has helped so many people here in a spiritual and material sense. She is so generous of her time and the words no and impossible are not part of her vocabulary. Robyn is full of energy but some days she overstretcches herself and we have to tell her to slow down and rest.

Robyn's skills are exceptional and I will try to describe them although I know the list is endless. She is a manager, organiser, accountant, travel agent, catering manager, automatic cash machine, interpreter, cook, driver, personal assistant to the team, call centre, coach, counsellor, nurse, mother to Enoch and many others, guide, patient advocate etc.

She is an exceptional person who has achieved so much in this country and iI believe she deserves more recognition for what she has done and continues doing here. Haiti needs an great army of Robyn like soldiers to get this country back on its rails and achieve the social changes which will lift Haiti out of this mess. I guess it will take generations to achieve any visible changes and it is the seeds planted by Robyn which will grow into great big trees bearing the fruits of her labour.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Robyn for all she has done for the team and to express my appreciation for her constant care about our material and spiritual needs.

Thank you for everything Robyn!

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