Saturday, October 22, 2011

On the way back to Cap Haitien 22.10.2011

I have just checked in 2 heavy suitcases filled to the brim with orthopaedic equipment and a few underpants!!! I feel like travelling with an orthopaedic theatre in tow. Even my hand luggage has some external fixators in it which caused a little bit of curiosity at the security check. The chap who asked me to open my bag was very interested of what I was doing with all this equipment and we had a good chat about my work in Haiti.
The list of equipment required at the hospital in Cap Haitien was extensive and included a fracture table and image intensifier! Imagine trying to get those items through security! Anyway I have managed to get a lot of tools and implants which are no longer used by Dunedin Hospital but will make my work in Haiti so much easier. Having the luxury of a sharp drill and power tools will be a dream. The external fixators will be very handy to treat the daily open tibial fractures generated by the chaotic traffic in Haiti. I am sure the "tibia crackers" i.e. motorcycles are still operating in force in Cap Haitien.
The aim of my visit is to further develop the orthopaedic services at the hospital and provide training for the 2 young Haitien doctors Pierre and Cherubin. I will try to impliment some changes on the ward and in the operating theatre but this will require extreme diplomacy and probably some bribes! Wish me luck!
I am looking forward to the challenge and will keep you informed about my trials and tribulations.

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