Sunday, April 6, 2014

Some orthopaedic registrars in trouble!

Friday today. Quite a long outpatient clinic with mainly trauma cases. I was told that there were some issues with some of the registrars not performing i.e. not looking after the patients on the ward, being arrogant, not attending outpatients etc. This resulted in a stern talk by the head of department to the offenders and in Haiti a stern talk from a superior is something you want to avoid at all cost: it consists in being shouted at in the most demeaning manner often in earshot of other people and the only thing you can do is to retreat with your tail between your legs!

After that was sorted I finished the day with seeing a few kids including one with a tibia deformity  on the basis of an untreated congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (see photo) and another with a hand deformity (see photo). This child had undergone an amputation of the thumb and index finger in the past for what I was told was an infected IV line. The child’s current problem was a skin contracture interfering with extension of the wrist. This can easily be fixed with a Z skin plasty.
I also came across a few oddities (see photos).
Very elegant plaster jandal
Thoraco brachial plaster
Figure of 8 plaster

The day ended with teaching the interns and residents.

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